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Disputes & Litigation

No-one likes a fight. Okay, well, some people do. But not us. It’s just not good business to waste valuable time and resources – not to mention money – arguing when you could be focussed on building your business. Litigation is a very expensive way to spend your profits (and lacks the fun of an overseas holiday) and often you won’t see much for the money spent.

Unfortunately, disputes in today’s corporate world are inevitable. Disagreements over payment terms, contracts and employment law are just the bread and butter of daily commercial life. Allow us to help you avoid litigation wherever possible and resolve conflicts before they become out of control. Negotiation and discussion by experienced commercial lawyers can often arrive at a result you might have considered impossible.

We can provide you with guidance, advice, the wisdom of experience and a straight forward approach to dispute resolution.

And if the matter does need to go to court, then we have the experience and resources to do so. Whether it is VCAT, the Magistrates Court, County Court, Supreme Court or the Federal Court, we can assist you achieve the best possible outcome.

But it’s not just the business world that faces the prospect of disputes and litigation.

Agreements we enter every day can result in disagreements. The simplest contract to rent a house or purchase an item from a shop all involve two sides coming together by agreement.

And unfortunately the results are not always pretty. Give yourself a fighting chance and call us today.

Do you have a dispute on your hands? Perhaps one of the following common areas of dispute looks more than a little familiar:-

  • mortgage and finance
  • tenancy
  • domestic building and construction
  • debt recovery
  • unfair dismissal
  • guardianship and administration
  • police and traffic
  • contract
  • employment
  • estates
  • intellectual property
  • trade marks
  • domain names
  • product liability
  • property
  • shareholder
  • insolvency and bankruptcy

Let us help you find a way through the drama, stress and anxiety of disputes. We won’t mask the truth. We will be results-driven, honest, upfront about costs and will work with you to achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us today for a confidential discussion on 03 9548 5500 or email.

Alphastream Lawyers
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