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Fixed term contracts blog update

Changes to fixed term employment contracts

From 6 December 2023, new rules apply when engaging employees on fixed term contracts. If a fixed term employment contract does not comply with the new limitations, the employee’s employment will continue beyond the intended end date of the contract, as will the employee’s right to receive entitlements.  This effectively means that the employee will be […]

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deed or agreement


Both deeds and agreements are instruments pursuant to which an agreement or deal is put in writing. There are however many differences between a contract and a deed and deciding which document is suitable depends on the circumstances. What is a deed? A deed is a binding promise or commitment to do something. A requirement […]

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workplace reporting

Covid 19 employer obligations – confirmed workplace COVID-19 diagnosis must be reported

WorkSafe Victoria has introduced temporary Occupational Health and Safety (COVID-19 Incident Notification) Regulations 2020 (OHS COVID-19 Regulations) which commenced on Tuesday 28 July 2020.Previously, employers were not required to notify WorkSafe of an infectious disease in the workplace, unless immediate inpatient treatment is required or the disease is the cause (or suspected cause) of a […]

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Alphastream Lawyers
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