Sometimes clients tell us – the law says I get equal time with the children. To be blunt, no it doesn’t. Another one we hear is I have a right to spend time with my child. Again, no you don’t.
What the Family Law Act does say is that everything to do with children’s matters and parenting after separation is focussed on the best interests of the children. It’s not about parent’s rights to spend time with a child. What the law does care about is a child’s right – in the absence of any concerns about family violence or abuse – to have a relationship with both parents.
Of course the best way for a child to have a relationship with a parent, is to spend time with them. Working out the competing demands of parents and the rights of the children is one of the greatest balancing acts in family law. Where everyone can sincerely remain focussed on what’s really honestly and truly best for the particular child involved, rather than their own agendas, the rewards are enormous – a child who grows up to become a healthy well-balanced and happy adult.
Talk to us about your current parenting arrangements – or the need for some. We’d love to help.
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