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Wills and Probate

‘Tis true, the only certainties in life are death and taxes.

So said Benjamin Franklin in 1789 and until cryogenics offers an alternative solution, it will remain our reality for the foreseeable future. (You’ll note our confidence that taxes aren’t going anywhere.)

Therefore, unless you wish your precious belongings and wealth to be divided up according to law, you’re going to need a Will. Many people put this task off but really, it doesn’t need to be a big deal. We’ll keep it as painless as possible, promise.

The other matter you need to address is your Powers of Attorney. While a Will applies after you’ve passed away, Powers of Attorney are for the living. Accidents can happen at any age, and if you’re not capable of making decisions due to incapacity following accident or illness, it’s important someone you trust is fully armed to do so with an Enduring Power of Attorney.

At Alphastream Lawyers, we offer a specially priced Wills package (Will and two Enduring Powers of Attorney), with discounted packages available for pensioners and couples. Call today for a no-obligation quote.

We can also assist with your probate or estate matter. If you have been appointed executor in a Will, or believe you have been left incorrectly out of a Will, don’t hesitate to call us for advice as to your next steps. But be aware there are timeframes to follow so be sure to act sooner rather than later.

If you have a Wills, estate or probate enquiry, don’t delay. Call for friendly advice on 03 9548 5500.

Alphastream Lawyers
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